Sunday, July 22, 2007

Blood and Fire

Originally intended to be an interpretation of Anthony Castle's dream (, the following word became a prophecy to The Salvation Army. Many are waiting for God to pour His Spirit out - He is waiting for a unified Army to kneel and receive it:

"Blood and Fire! Blood and Fire! Blood and Fire! Oh My beloved Army, you have neglected the Grace of My blood and dependence upon the Lamb. And so, I have withdrawn the fire. Without the blood, there can be no fire. Woe to the child who forsakes her first love. Ashes and dust be sprinkled before an institution of idolatry.

Angel’s trumpets no longer play with your cornets.
Holiness has become a stumbling block to a holiness movement.
Religious spirits have invaded where shekinah glory stood.
Where you have broken My burning heart, your hearts have grown cold.
Cynicism has choked discernment.
Hurting hearts have refused healing,
My heart aches, through healing refused.

Oh My beloved Army! My beloved. My heart is broken. If you would return to Me I would draw you unto Myself as a mother hen gathers her brood. Like a she-bear I would tear to shreds the enemies of one of My favourite cubs.

And yet fear has eaten your faith.
Planning has slayed providence.
I desire a new foundation, and you lay new carpets!
I desire to reignite your lamp, and you form committees about your building’s lighting!
You put up safety signs on your Corps walls, yet refuse to run into My arms of protection and love.
You make plans and form committees and ask for My blessing, without leaning your head against My chest and receiving My council, My blessings, My heart.

You fight My discipline.
And yet the Lord disciplines the child He loves.

You persecute My prophets.
And you say ‘what is a prophet’?

You grease the wheels of your machine of madness,
And refuse My oil of anointing.

Will the balm of Gilead by smoothed over an unacknowledged wound?
Will an archer congratulate himself on his marksmanship, when he is too far away from the target to see that he has missed the entire thing?
You put up umbrellas to shield yourself from deception, not knowing that manna falls from heaven and it is the heart which is deceitful above all things.

Behold, the time is coming. Thunderclouds billow in from the horizon. That which does not stand in the flames shall be burned. Only that which is birthed of My Spirit shall stand. I am restoring Holiness as a pillar in My end-time church – shall you not then, Army of Salvation, be judged severely, such that you may walk in purity and righteousness? That your commission may be fulfilled.

What is not motivated by love is motivated by Hell. What is performed in the flesh is an affront to the cross.

But you say, “what of our good works”?
I acknowledge your many works. Some will be remembered at the Great End; not because of the hours of toil, but because they were made in Love and were the works I prepared in advance for you to do. The rest will be remembered no more. Let the Spirit of Wisdom guide you: ‘You are not righteous and good because you work, you work because you have tasted goodness’.

In your repentance will be your salvation. For it is the Salvation Army whom I will save! I desire the sacrifice of humility. The aroma of dependence on My Spirit. To pour out Empowerment through the freedom of Grace. Only in the death of self, can the Life of Christ reside. In repentance you fear loss, yet I, even I shall be your gain.

Justice is what I desire! I have given you a rod of justice, and yet you lean on your own understanding. This is folly! Babes made in My image are aborted in the name of ‘justice’. Bloodshed and violence and wars have flourished in the name of ‘justice’. Euthanasia is supported in the name of ‘justice’. Do you not see? Do you not perceive? Routine works, justice as ‘the right thing to do’ will no longer be sufficient. True justice is fuelled by the burning of My Spirit in the strength of My Grace, and flows from the same Love that fuelled My Sacrifice. As one can perform and support abominable acts in the name of ‘justice’, how much more does My Army need to minister My justice through the authority and power of the King? You are a Living Stone of Justice that is an integrable part of My Church. No other stone fits your place in My temple. Justice is your birthright.

Let your blazing banners unfurl! And behold! The angels will sing! March with the Strength of My Power and the Boldness of Christ’s eyes of flint. Repair the broken walls. Repair the breaches! March again O great Army to the beat of My heart! Fall to your knees in repentance, and I will lift you up in glory! Admit your shortcomings, and be crowned with a crown of purity. Come and eat at My table and be filled! Drink of Me, and be as a fountain of Living Water to a lost and dying world! Are not My angels seeking soldiers of the Cross by which to stand? Do I not desire to bless you with such an overflowing abundance, that your delight will give you wings? Will not trees spring forth in the wilderness and water burst out of the rock? Will not that which has become bitter be made sweet? Will not eagles encircle the ones who worship in Spirit and in truth? Will I not prepare a work for you in this end-time harvest, that will make you again the scorn of man, but the darling of Heaven?

A word is upon My lips. Many have perceived it before it has been spoken. Salvation Army, it shall be spoken with an outpouring that William both saw and claimed for his offspring. It will be announced as you lay your burdens down, and pick up My gifts of grace and weapons of warfare. It shall soon be spoken in blood AND fire. Wait for it. The word is coming as you kneel before My throne…"

Written by a sixth generation Salvationist whose love for TSA is only eclipsed by love for the God of Truth and the Army’s Commander-in-Chief, the Lord Jesus Christ.

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Still the same

I don't know about you but sometimes I find it hard to remember that the Bible is history, not fiction; that people mentioned in the bible such as Daniel and Luke were in fact just people (like you and me!) and not mere fictional characters. Sometimes I think that we can all have a tendency to ready the bible with glassy eyes, having a subconscious mentality that the things that are recorded in the Word are from a different world or some kind of parallel universe! A friend once usefully told me that when reading the bible he 'entered into a passage', visualizing that he was actually in the actual biblical account, at the location, observing what was happening. This is why movies such as the Passion of the Christ are so shocking - suddenly it becomes visible and 'real'.
The God of the Bible and His miracles are for the people of today, and some of the happenings we read in the Bible are but a foretaste of what God has planned for our generation. People are being raised from the dead, food is multiplying, and souls are being saved at unprecedented rates! The following is a clip of a gathering of over 1 million people gathering in a SINGLE SERVICE in the name of Christ, I wonder if this was listed in Scripture if it would seem less 'real' or believable?'

In His joy, Paul

Saturday, July 14, 2007

No Limitations in Christ

I was in a prayer meeting the other day, and God gave me this word for someone, "There is no limitations in Christ". After i gave this word to the person, I was mulling over this phrase for a while, and I realised that this wasn't just a specific word for one person- it has huge connotations for all of us, and for us as an Army if we really think about it.

There are no Limitations in Christ. There is nothing GOd cannot do. He will be Lord even over the imposssible. There is nothing we have done that can limit God. Who are we to have obstacle that God can't cross, that God can't deal with- thats ridiculous- God CAN DO ALL THINGS! WE CAN DO ALL THINGS THROUGH CHRIST WHO GIVES US STRENGTH! (Phil 3:14. There is nothing our God cannot do! :)

There is nothing that you have done, or anything in your past that will limit what God can do in you and through you. Nothing you have done is so bad that God has dismissed you. Christ died for you- he loved you so much that he died for you while you were still sinners. Christ died for all of us- no matter how good or how bad we may seem. God loves us- God can take the most messed up dirty person and turn that life around and do something amazing with it. There are no limitations as to what God can do in you! God can still do things you never thought possible through you!

Never limit or dismiss the the dreams that God has placed in your heart. They may seem far fetched or crazy, but if God has given them to you, then they are more than possible. They may not be being played out right now, but don't lose hope. Whereever you are at, God is working in you to make you ready for it- whatever happens, happens for a reason,. Eph 3:20 says that God can do immeasurably more than we could ever hope or imagine- our dreams are God's starting point. So dream big!

Forgive me if I'm about to say something controversial, but The Salvation Army can tend to put alot of limitations on ourselves. I get so frustrated because we have structured into the Army so much red tape that we think restricts us from doing anything. Yet we still believe that there are no limitations in Christ- so what can this mean for us when we think about it?

Our buildings do not have to limit what we can do- The size of a building is not the reason for the size of the Church. The building isn't the church, the church is the people. Just because the building only holds a certain amount, that doesn't have to be the limit of people. Cell groups can explode the size of the church. That can be church, and it is so intimate and powerful, that God can do incredible things there.

Our buildings or 'Occ Health & Safety' do not have to limit us reaching out to the poor and winning them to Christ. Jesus has commanded us to go out into all the world to win the world, not to stay where we are and have the world come to us. Just because official 'welfare' has to be done in a certain way etc etc, doesn't mean we can't reach out to the people where they are at. Like our founder William Booth, we need to go out the last, the lost and the least of our community, we need to love them and help them, and show Christ to them. Find out what the greatest needs and issues of your community are and just do it! Don't let anything limit you- it doesn't have to!

This have been a bunch of random thoughts, but God really wants you to know and apply into your lives that there are no limitations in Christ! None! Nothing you have done, there is no red tape, that can stop you fulfilling God's plan for your lives. No matter what your history, the devil can't take away your God-given destiny!

God bless,