Friday, March 21, 2008


"If I am lifted up (on a cross), I will draw all men unto me" - Jesus Christ (John 12:32)

Has anyone ever stubbed a toe, or had an accident and cursed the physical pain that is felt? There is actually a rare disorder called 'congenital insensitivity' where the connection between the nerves that sense pain and the brain's recognition of pain is missing - essentially pain cannot be felt. At first this condition may seem wonderful - after all, who likes to feel pain? However in reality this condition is actually a devastating nightmare, because injury can occur without the knowledge of it, and subsequently much worse things can happen. Imagine looking at your body only to discover you are bleeding or have been burnt without realizing it - it could be a really serious and life threatening thing. Pain is a warning - it is our body telling us that something is wrong and needs healing and fixing. Spiritual trauma? Mental anguish? Emotional hurt? These are all symptoms that, although by no means pleasant, can be a revelation that something is wrong and an opportunity to be made whole. It is Jesus who makes us whole and we remember at this Easter period the pain He felt in every way that we may be made whole in Him.

Happy Easter!