Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Fear of faith?

God has really been challenging me this past year or so about real faith. Of the many meanings for faith, He has really highlighted one aspect of it to me: that of complete trust. To have faith in God is so much more then hope, it is a firm belief in whom He is: His character, integrity, and person. If I am praying for healing that is not based upon Gods integrity as revealed by His Word and Spirit but rather pray based on mere hope, is this what we can really call faith?
In this time as Gods Spirit seems to be doing an acceleration of new things in the Body, we really need to start trusting Him! I am of firm belief that true ministry stems out of intimacy with Him and so this is where faith should stem from also. By all means we are to be discerning and to test all things (1 Thessalonians 5:21); yet from what place is such testing done - fear or faith? Do we dismiss what God wants to do out of fear that the devil may be involved, or do we trust Him to guide us into all truth as promised (John 16:13) ? Do we have greater faith in the devils ability to deceive or in God’s ability to reveal truth? Sometimes I think we can be inclined to test the things of God in a manner where our own intellect or understanding is the benchmark, yet this is a bit of a worry when we remember that this is of coarse our finite minds trying to confine an Infinite God! Lets continue to test by the Word, Discernment, and Fruit, yet lets shift perspectives on what testing is, from fear to faith: let us not recoil in fear that the Devil is on the prowl, but march forward, confident that if something is amiss, He will show us!
Bill Johnson of Bethel Church fame ( says “Christ was not afraid that when He would return He would find people who made mistakes; no, His concern was that He would return to find people with no faith (Luke 18:8)”.


1 comment:

james said...

great word paul!

loved it how you opposed those questions. It really shows how alot of us do things out of fear rather than faith!

Keep up the blogging!

God Bless use!