Wednesday, March 28, 2007

A vision

I saw what appeared to be angelic-type beings, messengers of valor and purpose descending from the third to the second heaven as eagles in flight. As they flew into the Earths atmosphere they each held something like a translucent bubble, a bubble with radiant colors of blue and pinkish hues projecting of its shimmering surface. In the 'bubbles' were newly to be born babes, naked, sleeping, innocent, and pure - gifts to the Earth to be birthed by parents of the Heavenly Fathers choosing.
Now the angelic beings dropped these babes as they were in the bubbles, and, in a manner of great eloquent beauty, these cherished gifts of the Fathers heart floated towards Earth.
Suddenly, fiery demon spirits of great evil and grotesque figure appeared from the darkness, and in darting flight consumed the babes of God.
I see one babe as he was, then as a 12 year old prince, now a thirty year old warrior, and finally a man of piecing and great wisdom; but he would not be, for he was one of the babes eaten by a beast of fire.
From the nostrils of a powerful beast came his putrid breath; As this cradle snatcher roamed the Earth this poison polluted the world into his corruption: The abomination of taking destined life that will never be on the Earth.
I heard His voice, and He said “A generation of valor, of a royal priesthood, of holy aptitude is being stolen. The abortion of my people kills my heart, yet they will live on for eternity”.
“Go!” says the Lord of hosts, “for the disease of infant murder is increasing. The devil is killing life that is to bring life to a decaying world. Pray, pray for parliament, pray for your leaders, pray for the holy vengeance of God, for He maketh all things new”.

‘Hush little baby don’t you cry, Daddy’s gonna sing you a lullaby’ - Toby Macheenan.

(Click on image to view, taken from Dannielle Stricklands page: )


Anonymous said...

A true vision or merely an illustration to communicate your views on abortion?

Lieutenant Jo said...

Great Illustration, it gripped my heart! We need to get praying about this issue.

- Anonymous, its a BLOG! they're meant for communicating 'views'!

...or prophecies, or visions... or whatever else the owner wants to add.

Being 'anonymous' is no licence to criticise. if you won't put your name to it, don't say it.

Anonymous said...

Dear Jo,

On this and several other Salvo blogs there have been a number of occasions when someone has claimed to be proclaiming a vision or prophesy, as in a direct word from God, and there have been a number of people challenging those claims. I and several others believe that it is often just the blogger's opinion rather than a prophetic word from God. There is a big difference between the two.

Anonymous (a different one)

Anonymous said...

Salvo Cadet on a dot dot....
If that is infact your real name.

If it was an illustration why not just say that it is that?

hey, really does it matter if I remain anon?
Lets face it, this whole game is a virtual reality isn't it.

What if I want my views to be read but (because I am disagreeing with someone) I don't want to be identified.

Cadet ***** what if I know you and you know me?
Maybe I don't want you or anyone else from the college to know what I really think about some of this stuff.

Jo, For all you know I could be in the next room to you or on the other side of the planet.
That's the beauty of the internet.

another damn anonymous blogger. (actually I am the same one as at the top of the page.
Gets confusings eh?

Anonymous said...

Like all prophecies, it's probably a good idea to inquire of the Lord and test them - do they match up with scripture, and do they match up with what other prophets are saying?

It's also important to give prophetis room to make mistakes - they are human too, and don't always get it right, but that's no reason to stone them to death, if you get what I mean.

Grace to both you annonymouses (annonymice?).

Shaw Coleman

Lieutenant Jo said...

Hey God holds people accountable to what they say as "words from the Lord" (whether they actually use that phrase or not). What happened to edification in the body of Christ? AIM for the higher gifts, don't aim AT the higher gifts. If only we were as touchy about communicating the gospel as we are about gifts of the Spirit.

Its easy to follow the links to find out who I am, where I live etc! I too could be 'anonymous' if I so chose... in order to keep my nose clean in the 'real world'. But I couldn't do that with a clear conscience.

As before, God holds us accountable, so to tear down others while surrounding myself with a smoke screen for 'identity protection' seems a tad risky (and unfair to others). There is no 'anonymous' with God.

Again, prayer for the Abortion issue is important, MORE so than arguing about identity, so get praying! (same goes for me!)


I don't mean to offend anyone with the word 'vision', but would like to stress that what I shared was somthing that I saw in my seer rather then 'imagined' or 'conjured'.
As Shaw suggested, if you have a problem with the word, test it and I encourage you to share what the problem concerning the word is: I am accountable to Him, the prophets, and the Body. If the problem is not with the issue of abortion as given in the vision then dare I ask what is it? Speaking through vision is very biblical, and I would like to add that He can and does communicate in this method to any beliver.
As Jo suggested, irrespective of 'vison' or 'illustration' lets not get side tracked from the call: intercessory prayer against abortion.