Saturday, February 10, 2007

Another 'God directive'

Following ‘Engage’ Phobe, Paul, Colin, and Kym again gave ourselves to Him to be used how He wills. Phobe had to be home by midnight and Kym was physically wiped so this mission was shorter then our last experience. Before we headed out, the Lord made us agree that we wouldn’t share with anyone what He was going to do (to test our humility), and we agreed. However, upon agreeing (and in a sense passing this test), we believe we got given the go-ahead to share.

We drove to the large carpark behind Arndale Corps. The Lord revealed to Paul that we had to put all the loose trolleys back where they belong. This was an act of servanthood, yet the first trolley Kym came across had a perfectly new exercise book in it.
We felt led to pray over the carpark (which will be the sight of a new outpouring and revival that the world has never known). Kym felt the Lord say we should go to the (nearby) 'Dominoes' carpark where a mighty miracle earlier took place (this was the miracle where He supernaturally came and fixed our sister-in-laws car after she had an accident). The Lord said that fixing broken hearts is infinitely greater then having a broken car fixed, and if He is willing to do that without being asked, how much more will He do for those who love Him.
The Lord prompted Paul to go into the Dominoes and ask for free pizza (for us to give to someone). He and Colin got into clothes so that they had the ‘Red Shield’ logo, and the four of us prayed for divine favour, and that God would perform this sign. Phobe and Kym remained in the car and interceded, and before long out came Paul and Colin with 3 pizza boxes. Initially the attendant was shaking his head as if he wouldn’t give away pizza in a million years, yet ‘something’ suddenly made him change his mind. We ended up with 2 full (untouched) pizzas and one box with a few extra pieces.
We praised God and gave thanks, but they were cold, so we returned to Arndale Corps to reheat them. It was right to give the spare pieces to those who were setting up for the next days ‘Halo tournament’.
As they were heating, the four of us went in a side-room to pray and praise. Kym noticed some cartons filled with eggs on a side table, and our Lieutenant said it was fine to take a carton. Hearing that we were on another ‘mission’, she also gave us a blanket.
We picked up the pizzas, Colin grabbed a ‘Warcry’ and some pamphlets, and we were off. The Lord led us to Mcinery Reserve in Kilkenny, where we eventually felt led to give the pizzas to someone in a street adjacent the reserve. We came across a house that felt right. It (despite being in a dangerous area and it being late) had a light on and an open door. We offered the man who came if he wanted the pizzas, yet he abruptly said ‘no’ and we had to leave. We then felt led to try a nearby house, and a group of people were watching the soccer (ideal for two pizzas on a cold night). However, they also refused. Our discernment in following the Spirit is obviously not perfect, yet we rather believe the two refusals were people refusing a gift the Lord would have given them. Sensing this, we again sought the Lord as to who He would now rather have and also recieve the pizzas.
Driving along a nearby street, we noticed a man on his bike, and immediatly 'knew' they were for him. Jumping out the car, Kym offered them to him, and he gratefully accepted. His joy was very real, and he mentioned that there was a 13 year old boy who he was going to share them with (who Kym sensed would have really appreciated them). Kym's departing ‘God bless’ seemed to have reached him through the Spirit too. Revelation came to Paul that the Lord was going to nourish them spiritually as they ate.
Three of us were then independently given the word of knowledge that the carton of eggs (and a prophetic note in the exercise book) were to be left on the doorstep of an elderly Italian woman in Myponga St.
The Warcry with a note of encouragement was to go into the letterbox of a nearby believer’s house, and the Lord led us back to Mcinery Reserve to put the blanket and a note in a certain spot. We prayed over it, and a homeless person will be lead to it*

*the next morning this gift from the Lord had indeed been taken.

Father, we praise you for your abundant blessings, and the blessings of your abundance!

Always and forever, Paul.


Discover Leadership said...

What an adventure in the Lord! Keep it up guys - and keep writing about it so that others may get inspired.

Anonymous said...

"Before we headed out, the Lord made us agree that we wouldn’t share with anyone what He was going to do (to test our humility), and we agreed. However, upon agreeing (and in a sense passing this test), we believe we got given the go-ahead to share."

How exactly did he make you agree?

"and in a sense passing the test"

"in a sense" means that you rationalised it yourself right?

Paul, my cynical mind is thinking that maybe you included this in your first paragraph to address my previous posts.
Is it?

Here's an idea:
Why not go on a mission that "you think" that God would want you to do?
Instead of running around on your adventures.
(although I understand that these adventures might be more fun)

I love that you guys are getting out there and showing love to people but I think you might be more effective doing it in more simple ways.
Maybe, just volunteer at a homeless shelter or do some maintanence at your corps.

Then blog about the people you met or feeling you got loving people.

I believe God will really talk to you about humility and love by just being his hands and feet.

I have only done this a few times but every time I do I get a real sense of God's love.
Plus I always come away feeling how easy my life is and how blessed I am.
I don't think we need to blast people with worship music or scab pizzas from Dominos or write "prophetic" notes to people to feel like we are following Christ's example of love.

Just talking to someone lonely will do it.

OK, sorry to rain on your parade again.

Have a good day.



The Lord told Kym to test our humilty and so Kym asked us to agree not to share with anyone what He would have us do this night, we all agreed. Upon agreement then the Lord released us to share for inspiration to others as it was clear that it was for His glory and not our own.

This particular cynical mind would be incorrect, this account was written long before your skepticism and animosity was shared.

Teackles, you suggest sharing His love by being His hands and feet; as has been made perfectly clear we handed over ourselves to Him to be used as He wills (hands and feet included). What did we discover about the Fathers heart? Well He has consistantly led us to admister to the needy and the homeless, as you can well read.

I personally believe that true ministry is not doing 'good works' because it is what our religeon tells us to do, rather it is connecting with His heart, being empowered by what He is feeling and His love, and participating (partnering) with Him in ministry.

You seem to be questioning the fruit of this method of ministry... it is ripe, as drug addicts, hindus, and many others will attest. Need I also remind you again of the salvations?

Without being rude, you seem to have a complete lack of comprehension of the spiritual realm, particularly in regard to spiritual warfare. We are by no means experts or all-knowing, but all I will say in regards to the worship music is 'praise changes the atmosphere'. Further, it was not our initiative, but obedience to Him.

It is fantastic to hear that you have handed yourself over at times to be of service to Him, I encourage you to keep it up!

Last thing, you didn't respond to my question in the previous post; as I am quite perplexed as to your motives I shall ask again: 'Teackles please tell me what it is you are actually fearful or concerned of? If it is not the devils deception, then what is it?'

God bless - Paul

Anonymous said...

"We felt led to pray over the carpark (which will be the sight of a new outpouring and revival that the world has never known". So of all the places on earth, the carpark behind your Corps just happens to be the place that this will (emphasis on will, as in definitely) happen. Who's prophesy is this? Who outside of your group has confirmed this prophesy? Seems pretty coincidental that you guys are from the Arndale Corps and this greatest ever revival is going to be in your carpark doesn't it? The odds of that would be astronomical wouldn't it, the fact that you guys happen to be in the very same place? I mean it could be in Africa, or Europe, or South America, but no, it will be in the Arndale carpark.
On another subject, as I have read your stories about feathers, gold dust etc. I was just wondering if your officers are able to make any official confirmation that these things have taken place? Because I would have thought that miracles like this would be widely publicised throughout the Salvation Army, but I've only heard about them on here.


Thanks for posting Anon!
The prophetic word has been recieved and confirmed independently by many people. Concerning the word itself, yes I state it as truth, and do in fact encourage you to take special note of it for future reference. I might add it would be hasty to call it the 'greatest revival' (your term not mine), but it will be of world and history making significance; I also feel it is okay to share with you that a temple called the 'Blood and Fire Centre' shall be built there.

As of yet, to be honest, very few people know about the glory manifestations taking place within the Army world other then those whom personally witness. If you email us at I would be happy to provide you with some different Lieutenants contacts whom could officially confirm for you what has/is taking place.

Hope this helps! Yours in Christ, Paul.

Anonymous said...

"skepticism and animosity was shared."

Skepticism - yes
animostiy - no.

"you didn't respond to my question in the previous post; as I am quite perplexed as to your motives I shall ask again: 'Teackles please tell me what it is you are actually fearful or concerned of? If it is not the devils deception, then what is it?'

I am fearful of people getting caught up in religiosity and "suspect" claims of manifestation.

I don't particularly think that you are decieved by the Devil..... its just that you have different views on many aspects of the scripture to me. Who's right or wrong?.....neither of us can claim to know exactly what is truth can they?

I don't know for sure if what you are saying is real or not but your black and white views mean that you are not open to discussion about it.
You are not interested in thinking that it might not be from God.
This view of christianity that is not open to doubt and logic is what worries me.
People who believe that they have a direct and unquestioning access to what God is saying and thinking.
You believe you are right and that is it.

Is the scripture black and white?

Being a christian to me means sharing with others our doubts and shortcomings. Helping one another to come to terms with what the scripture might be saying to "me."

You are sharing a "radical" view of what you think God says to us....I am just trying to let people know that not all christians think the same.
Being a christian to me does not mean that you can say that you know all the answers.

I assume that you guys are young and I can understand that you are probably still collating, testing your beliefs and as a younger man I too tested (or constructed) what I believed. It is a natural part of growing up and finding yourself.

By no way am I showing you animosity I just want other young guys to see that there are other opinions about certain things thats all.

I find it hard to believe that a God who gives people visions of an Army that is in total bondage of sin is sending down feathers to bless the same group for obedience.
It looks like that group wants to condemn the Army and the tell them that they are being blessed in a special way because they are so obedient.
Please, you never explained this to me.
What do you think?
Can the prophesy and the manifestations co-exist within the same group of people?


"I am fearful of people getting caught up in religiosity and "suspect" claims of manifestation."

Teackles, Perfect Love casts out all fear, and this is a freedom that I think we should all be liberated in living in. Paul says to be discerning, and I say 'amen' to this, but lets test on the model he outlined in his writings, namely that of fruit.
I can honestly understand how glory manifestations may appear abit left field, I imagine its much like what the people who thought the belivers at Pentecost were drunk must have felt! I guess all I can do is offer biblical backing and Army history and pray that eyes are opened to what He is doing.
Your term 'suspect' is unusual, are you insinuating the gold dust that appeared on my hand during morning worship on Sunday morning was dreamt? What is 'suspect' about a God who does things that breaks our religious convention and frees Him out of the box of 'logic' we have Him in? If you study every great move/revival of God you may see the common denominator of hunger and complete openness to what He wills: humble submission to Him is indeed scary (in an exciting way), but also very, very good :) We can not limit what He is doing, it is significant, and glory manifestations are only going to increase so we better get used to them or risk something much more serious.

About our different view, I do believe as stated that there is more then a firm scriptural precedent for what He is doing, but indeed no two people see things the same way, and we can stand side by side without seeing things from the same perspective, so lets agree to disagree. A caution may be warranted however in that if a believer is to discourage another in what the Lord is actually doing, then they are infact opposing Himself and so one better be really sure about what they are opposing and should above all seek Him about it.

Its very amusing your usage of the term 'black and white'. I would have thought that a believer whom is completely open to His will, and will not limit an infinite Creator by a finite mind is actually the opposite of that. My theology is always open to change, but here is why I find it very hard to take what you say seriously Teackles:
Hypothetically, suppose you were physically blind and Jesus Himself came and healed your eyes so you could see, would your theology then be open to the possibility that God does not heal? Would it be arrogant to dismiss a person who says God doesn’t heal when He just healed you or is it that your faith is grounded in something much more tangible?

I fail to see what is so 'radical' about a God whom desires intimacy with His creation and to use them in creative ways, but again we will have to agree to disagree, and that’s fine.

I am young, and of course am also learning; however I have been walking in these things for many years and have been richly blessed to have had an accelerated learning experience. I may also point out that although I am very near in completing a Bachelor in Ministry it is COMPLETLY by His Spirit and teaching that I have been tested, refined, and is not without serious cost.

About the prophesy, you seem to view it as some sort of negative condemnation? What I saw was a loving Father correcting His children and giving a wonderful promise and opportunity at the same time! He corrects those whom He loves bless Him! Would He give gifts to this same Army? Well, this may be what true Grace is; further, as stated in the previous post, we are the remnant, and so no He will not withhold.

Keep posting Teackles - in offering this other perspective I'm sure many people are getting questions answered and if kept constructive can only be a healthy thing.

Anonymous said...

"are you insinuating the gold dust that appeared on my hand during morning worship on Sunday morning was dreamt?"

I don't know.
Although, my kids often have sparkles in the house and I often end up with some on me.
Who knows?

Schools of thought differs on these sorta happenings.
Some believe that it will happen more and others think that it won't and are skeptical about it's authenticity.

"in offering this other perspective I'm sure many people are getting questions answered and if kept constructive can only be a healthy thing."

Great, this is the only reason I do this.

"I have been walking in these things for many years and have been richly blessed to have had an accelerated learning experience."

Who knows, maybe your biggest learning experience is ahead of you yet?

